At astamuse, we publish and provide reports based on our vast amount of stored data and analysis by analysts whose owns special expertise in various advanced fields.

Nikkei-astamuse Future Growth Industry Report

astamuse has identified and published a report on 176 promising growth areas by the year 2025, based on proprietary data on technology innovation from around the world.

Main contents

  • Basic information on the main theme
    ~ basic information, definition of the words and terminologies.
    Basic information on the topic, related news, business chain, elemental technology, etc.
  • Trends in related technologies and patents by country on the theme
    ~ Related patent application status. We know and identify which countries and regions have highly competitive players
    Patents related to the theme, countries and regions where there are highly competitive players, etc.
  • Current and future leading players in the world (= future players)
    ~ Learn about the major players who owns the best technology and the patents of the global patent population, leading players, future players, etc.
    Composition of the global patent population, leading players, future players, etc.
  • Noteworthy themes and noteworthy players in terms of global research investment trends (content and value) (potential partners and collaborators)
    ~ Identifing mid- to long-term themes of interest and potential partners and joint research players
    Number of adoptions, ranking of total allocation, and top themes in terms of domestic and international allocation
  • The latest business models and monetization from the perspective of global venture/startup establishment and funding trends
    ~ Basic information on competitive venture companies in this area
    The number of venture companies established in the world and the amount of funds raised, ranking the top companies in terms of funding amount, etc.
  • Appendix Digest of Related Articles

Social Issues Report

The report named "105 Social Issues to be Solved for the brighter future," which defines the social issues that astamuse thinks that can be solved by using the newest technology, is published on an issue by issue basis.

Main contents

  1. Main Data used to publish this report
  2. 105 social issues defined by astamuse
  3. Summary
  4. The summary of the issue and its Impact
  5. classifying the issue and the direction of solving the issue
  6. Related themes by industry
  7. List of related new businesses and research by "investment amount" (ranking the TOP 10 )
  8. Notable new businesses and research by solution category
  9. Appendix 1: 105 social issues to be solved for the future
  10. Appendix 2: Materiality Score
  11. Appendix 3: Examples of related patents

Our reports can be used in a variety of situations.

  • Areas where our reports can be used
  • New business planning
  • Exploring the use of the new technology
  • Identifying competitors and new partners
  • Forecasting the future of the business environment
  • Upon consultation, we will identify you to fundamental issues and identify the usage, and guide you to the most suitable report.
  • We can also provide you with the data and lists of the corporates and researches used to create the report (at an additional cost).
  • We can also produce on-demand tailor-made reports and develop business plans upon client request.